Stablecoin Hives
On the Grizzly platform you will find a variety of Stabelcoin Hives. We search the entire market for the most lucrative stablecoin pairs and then offer them for Liquidity Mining.
Stablecoin Hive means that you get the exchange fees that need to be paid when someone exchanges two Stablecoins for each other. E.g. USDT for BUSD.
When investing in a Stablecoin Hive, there is virtually no money to lose, regardless of whether there is a bull or bear market.
There is also no impermanent loss, so investing in a stablecoin hive can be considered very safe.
Advantage of Stablecoin Hive:
Very safe investment
Virtually no risk of loss
Returns very even
Disadvantage of Stablecoin Hive:
Rather low return
What strategies are possible in the Stablecoin Hive?
Stable strategy
Standard strategy
Grizzly strategy
Last updated