Word | |
Grizzlies | Users / Investors / Liquidity Providers of |
Hives | Liquidity Pools of |
Bees | The Smart Contract of |
Honey | The Grizzly Honey Token ($GHNY) is the native Token of the platform |
Honeypot | The Staking Pool of |
DEX | Decentralized Exchange |
Liquidity Mining | The process of providing liquidity (capital in form of cryptos) to a DEX and receiving transaction fees whenever your Liquidity is used in the swap. |
Liquidity Aggregator | A protocol that connects to other protocols (DEXes) and auto-compounds the rewards for the user to generate higher APYs. |
Farming | Providing liquidity to a Hive (liquidity mining) |
Staking | Freezing tokens to earn more tokens |
APR | Annual Percentage Rate: How much % you make on your initial investment. |
APY | Annual Percentage Yield: How much % you make on your initial investment but also including the re-invest done by the platform. |
Impermanent Loss | When the price of one of the tokens in a Hive(pool) loses value compared to the other and the liquidity provider is left with a unfavorable proportion. focuses on stablecoin Hives, where this risk does not occur. |
Smart Contract | Smart Contracts refer to code that run on a blockchain. Thanks to Smart Contracts more advanced applications like lending and borrowing or liquidity mining become possible. |
Last updated